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The Steven M. Fish Mayoral Award was created in 2005, to honor the legacy and memory of an incredible man and avid supporter of The Chez, Steven M. Fish.
Steven welcomed all who came into The Chez. He made every person he encountered feel like he was their best friend. He was an advocate for the chez, because he felt safe here and it was the place he called “home”. He would call himself “The Mayor” of The Chez, and soon everyone else did too. In 2005 John Pepe (current owner of The Chez) approached Brian Wilke (former owner of The Chez) and said “why don’t we make it official?!”...and they did. That September Steven was given the title of “Mayor of The Chez” and presented with the 1st ever Steven M. Fish Mayoral Award. Sadly, 2 years later in September of 2007 we lost Steven from complications related to HIV. His plaque still hangs inside The Chez as a constant reminder for all to see what kindness and humility looks like.
Steven was a fighter, a lover, and a friend. He lived his life to the fullest, always had a smile on his face, and made the best of every situation. A bit sassy at times, but he was kind, giving and had a heart of gold. He respected everyone. He gave all of himself expecting nothing but the same in return. His life touched everyone. They say that home is where the heart is and he is finally home in our hearts.
Do you know someone who exemplifies the qualities of our dear friend Steven M. Fish? Do you consider this person a vital asset to the community here at The Chez? Consider nominating them for this award!
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